It has come to Vulcan’s attention and customers' may be aware of a recently issued statement by a competitor into the market place highlighting safety concerns with the supply of encapsulated ‘O’ Rings. Specifically the statement from this competitor announces, “at least one of our competitors is/are supplying, in high quantity, low grade, cheaply-sourced encapsulated FKM‘O’ Rings, that have been proven to contain the dangerous toxins” specifically then detailed as Amines and Phthalates.
Unlike other manufacturers, Vulcan only supply FEP Encapsulated genuine DupontR VitonR, not FKM. We do not utilise therefore FKM. All materials are strictly controlled by Vulcan and undergo routine independent laboratory testing to ensure compliance to globally recognised regulatory compliance such as FDA, REACH, RoHS, USP Class VI, PFOS/PFOA.
REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals), Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006, requires testing for 151 substances, including Phthalates and many kinds of Amines, considered to be SVHC (substances of very high concern). All of these 151 SVHC were found to be “non detectable” in Vulcan materials.
We routinely specifically test for Phthalates, the most recent independent laboratory tests were conducted on 03.11.2014, copies are available upon request. These conclude that the Phthalates content of Vulcan FEP Encapsulation, Silicone Core and VitonR Core were found to have “non detectable” levels.
With absolute assurity and conviction Vulcan guarantees all product, types and sizes are manufactured with the highest material quality and integrity incorporating full supply chain traceability and backed by independent testing.
Should you have any further concerns or receive any further communications on this matter from the companies concerned, please do not hesitate to contact us.