New Seal Designs to Service the Needs of Modern Pumps
Vulcan have a long established range of direct replacement seal designs to suit all types of compressors and pumps associated with the main industries which we service. In all cases the Vulcan design will fit directly into the original equipment without modification to the same, or the usual installation procedure.
The Vulcan Type 1676+1696 seals are capable of performing well in these high pressures conditions. With a choice of durable materials which includes our highest grade Silicon and Tungsten Carbide with Viton rubber, ensuring that A Vulcan Seal is manufactured to Seal — Designed to Last.
The Vulcan Type 127B ‘O’ Ring mounted conical spring seals with boot mounted seats, to DIN-L1N dimensions, to suit K.S.B.® ETA-Series SY—& SYA—Pumps, are designed to outperform in this type of application. Seals are available with right-hand coils as standard, left-hand to order. Seal materials especially suited for hot water duties.
The Vulcan Type 139 is a conical-spring ‘O’ Ring mounted step-balanced seal, with ‘O’ Ring mounted stationaries, to suit I.T.T. Lowara® E-SV® Series vertical centrifugal pumps for light industry applications and widely used within the food and beverage sector and pharmaceutical industries.
Vulcan Type 1694 has been designed to suit Alfa Laval SR/SRU range of pumps. These rotary lobe pumps are used in many industries and applications. The 1694 is a double seal, outboard rotary—inserted tungsten carbide or monolithic stainless steel, outboard seat– inserted tungsten carbide or monolithic carbon. All O Rings viton® or EPDM as standard. Available in 30mm, 45mm, 55mm and 75mm.
Vulcan Type 297 Face Kits to suit A.P.V.® DW-Series Pump Seals. This new series of pump is well adapted to perform well in ultra hygienic applications. Each kit is supplied with rotary and static faces, plus ‘O’ Rings. Rotary face Q2 silicon carbide, seat face carbon or silicon carbide and viton or EPDM elastomers. Full FDA compliant materials available to order.